Calista Nutrition
Calista Nutrition
Calista Nutrition
Calista Nutrition
Calista Nutrition
Calista Nutrition

<empty> How often do I need to return for review?
This generally depends on the person’s medical condition. At the initial consultation, the Dietitian will make a recommendation in regard to this. Review appointments may be on a monthly basis or more spread out and over a longer period of time e.g. six to nine months, whatever is most appropriate. Go back

  <empty> I have followed a number of fad weight reduction diets but without much success. What is the healthiest way to lose weight?
Many popular weight reduction diets do not have a sound scientific base and are ill-advised on the long term. Unrealistic goals may be set and other necessary lifestyle changes not dealt with. The best long term success is generally achieved through a balanced weight reduction programme together with increased exercise levels and regular follow-up by a Dietitian. Go back
  <empty> I am eating a low fat diet but not sure if I have an adequate intake of Calcium?
This is a common problem as many people aiming to reduce the fat content of their diets cut out dairy products and may not meet their recommended daily intakes of calcium. Depending on age and bodily requirements this can have consequences on bone health. Go back
  <empty> My teenage daughter is a strict vegetarian but I don’t know if she has a balanced nutrient intake?
Vegetarian diets are generally considered to be healthy. However, they do require more thought and planning in order to fully meet nutritional requirements.Teenage girls need to consider especially their energy, iron and calcium intakes. Go back
  <empty> I have Type 2 Diabetes. Is it important to eat a cholesterol-loweringdiet?
Type 2 Diabetes affects up to 2% of the population over the age of thirty years. It is a metabolic disorder and people with Diabetes are at an increased risk for the development of coronary disease. Therefore, it is of vital importance to keep your intake of dietary cholesterol to a minimum. Go back
  <empty> My child is eating a wheat-free and milk-free diet but I am concerned his diet may be nutritionally deficient.
The cereal and milk groups are the two major food groups on the food pyramid as they provide a wide range of important nutrients for growing children. A diet such as this needs careful attention and should be  tailored according to the individual’s specific dietary requirements. Go back
  <empty> My elderly father has leg ulcers and eats a poor diet. What can I doto help?
Elderly people can develop leg ulcers ( venous ulcers ) as a result of a deterioration in the blood flow to that area. They may also have a reduced appetite which can lead to malnutrition. This can impair the healing process, so it is very important that these people have adequate energy and protein intakes. Selected nutritional supplements may also help improve their nutrition. Go back
Calista Nutrition
Dietetic & Nutrition Consultancy